selections for thursday 15/11/18

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selections for thursday 15/11/18

Postby » Thu Nov 15, 2018 6:59 am

start date 14/11/18 running points total +9.82

1.50 centre of excellence 11-4 w placed 2nd
2.25 burn baby byrne 16-1ew 2nd bit win only
2.55 hepijeu 7-1ew placed 2nd
4.00 pique rock 4-1ew placed 3rd

1.00 georgina joy 6-4w placed 2nd
1.30 beau du brizais 9-4w lost
3.10 catchin time 9-2ew placed 3rd
3.40 night of sin 8-13w won

12.10 shearian 7-4w won
12.40 fieldsman 10-3w placed 2nd
1.10 xtara 13-2ew lost
1.40 joegogo 11-1ew lost
2.15 sylvias mother 7-2w lost
3.20 given choice 11-10w lost
3.50 space war 13-2ew lost

6.15 contingency fee 9-1 ew lost
7.15 london 5-1ew lost
7.45 gentleman 15-2 ew placed 2nd
8.15 outlaw torn 25-1 ew lost
8.45 boscastle 6-1ew placed 2nd

7.30 mr potter 5-2 w lost

-4.41 points for the day

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